Sunday, 3 August 2014

Dear President Putin

Dear President Putin

I am writing to congratulate Roscosmos (Russian Federal Space Agency) for the extremely difficult task it has chosen to undertake under your leadership, namely: colonizing the Moon by 2030.

Over the last couple of days I have been reading a book 'Mankind Beyond Earth' by Dr Claude A. Piantadosi; one thing in particular which caught my attention was the fact that the Moon has such hot and cold temperatures. It had never occurred to me before that the temperatures there would be anything other than similar to Earth. So the task that Russia has in front of it will truly be fraught with immense difficulties.

Well Done! for having the vision to set such a high goal for your nation, and I hope you are as equally successful with completing the mission as President John F. Kennedy was when he achieved the task of landing a man on the Moon last century.



Sent: Friday, 13 December, 2019

Subject: Double Celebration

Dear President Putin

As the 2020 New Year approaches, the mission target date for Roscosmos colonizing the Moon by 2030, will have a countdown of exactly one decade.

Since contacting you on 3 August 2014 [], Loki posted the following comment: "One only wonders whether the Russians intend to use political prisoners as the construction teams..."

I responded with the following:

"An interesting point is that one of the primary reasons for the British settlement of Australia was to establish a penal colony to alleviate pressure on crowded UK jails.

"And if a prison was built on the Moon, it could well end up being a really dreadful 'Hell-off-Earth' for anyone incarcerated there."

Sir, if you do intend to use prisoners to achieve Moon colonization by 2030. Maybe you would allow me to make a suggestion:

What if you personally make a deal with these prisoners. By offering them their freedom, in exchange for assisting you achieve mission success by the target date.

This way, not only will you be able to celebrate New Year's Day 2030 with having successfully colonized the Moon on target. You will also be able to celebrate having finally gotten these prisoners off your hands. A double celebration!



Tues, 17 Dec 2019

Colonization Plan

"Russia is planning to begin building a human colony on the Moon by 2030. Initially, the Moon base would be crewed by no more than four people, with their number later rising to maximum of 12 people."

"Overall, Russia will complete the moon mission using six separate launches of the upcoming Angara rocket."



Sun, 5 Jan 2020

Subject: Polar Bears

Dear President Putin

It is breaking my heart reading about what is happening to all these polar bears. With them losing their home as the ice sheets melt...

Why polar bears invaded a Russian village

Russia islands emergency over polar bear 'invasion'

Polar bears 'running out of food'


~ ~ ~

Something I recently wrote:

The Earth appears to have certain constraints built in.

"Global average temperatures declined for thousands of years, until fossil fuel-based industrialization beginning roughly 200 years ago reversed the decline. Global warming has intensified in recent decades."

Does this mean that the human race was not meant to have an industrial age, that if we had stuck with riding horses all would have been well?

"Because the climate system has large thermal inertia, it can take centuries for the climate to fully adjust."

Does this mean the situation is already at such a point, that even if we attempted to rectify matters at this point in time, that it would be several generations before our actions even showed a noticeable difference?

"Greenhouse gases trap heat radiating from the Earth to space. This heat, in the form of infrared radiation, gets absorbed and emitted by these gases in the atmosphere, thus warming the lower atmosphere and the surface."

Why can't we do something to these greenhouse gases?

Like maybe:

Convert them to some other type of gas. Or figure out some way to vent the gasses into space.

There is probably a really simple way to fix matters, and all we have to do is come up with what it is.

Because why would we be on a planet that didn't allow us to progress beyond a pre-industrial age?

Unless this is some sort of prison planet that we are never meant to leave.

Not meant to conquer Space.

Image Credit: Wikipedia


Lois C. Henderson said...

One only wonders whether the Russians intend to use political prisoners as the construction teams...

Eamonn Gosney said...

An interesting point is that one of the primary reasons for the British settlement of Australia was to establish a penal colony to alleviate pressure on crowded UK jails.

And if a prison was built on the moon, it could well end up being a really dreadful 'Hell-off-Earth' for anyone incarcerated there.

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